Now, you might be wondering, how did I make it 30 days straight!?! This is the one question I am sure several students struggle with when deciding to take the pledge and begin the challenge or not. Well, an answer to that question is, Confidence. Yes, the glitzy incentives like 50% off a class package or a couple free guest passes are great to look forward to, but I suggest you complete this challenge for yourself, for your own personal well-being.
I told myself I could do it and I did.
I didn't think about the commitment, I took each day as a new day. I will admit, I wrote down the number of class for each day in my planner, but to be honest, I didn't look at it too much. As I approached the 10 day mark, I felt like the challenge was going to take forever. I woke up a couple mornings thinking that I would tell the instructor that I hurt myself or that I was sick, stressed out from work, tired, but then I realized that those were just excuses, excuses to not perform 100%. I never once made an excuse of why I shouldn't give this my all and I am proud of that. Excuses do not exist in Bikram Yoga because the sequence heals injuries, sickness, stress and anything else that you could possibly come up with as to why you can't enter the hot room. Whatever you do, do not come up with excuses, you'll be mad at yourself later on.
I walked into the 105 degree room read to commit 105%, every time. After the half mark, the days started to zip by. There was never one point where I thought I would give up. I had already gone 15 days, how hard could 15 more be? Then, you're at 20, and there are only 10 more! The numbers are completely mental. If you think you can't or you ever doubt yourself, then I guarantee, you will find yourself in a mess trying to come up with excuses. In my opinion, as i said right off the bat, confidence is the key to success.
(Bikram and Rajashree Choudhury
demonstrating "Triangle Posture")
Throughout the entire challenge I either went to the 9am, 11am or 430pm class depending on my mood and how I felt. I listened to my body. I didn't push it too far, but I didn't let it slack off either. There is a happy medium I found somewhere in between pushing too hard and not enough and this, also, helped me get through the 30 days. For my level, I don't sit out any postures, but for others, laying in savasana is sometimes encouraged by the instructor. I was also blessed with an open schedule to pick the class when I thought my body would perform the best. To this day, I like the 430 class the best. My body is most flexible and it's the perfect time for my eating schedule (lunch around 1230 and dinner at 630 when I get home). Lastly, I always arrive for class at least 20 minutes before. This gives me time to pick my favorite spot in the room (front row, left side and not straight under the lights), fix my hair, relax in savasana and most importantly let my body warm up before the postures begin. I have found that my class preparation is just as important as my posture practice. I looked forward to class everyday, I looked forward to feeling the energy from everyone around me and the warmth of the studio.Since beginning Bikram, I have improved in every posture. The instructors always encourage the students to come as often as possible to receive the most benefit out of their practice. Well, I too believe this is true, because I see and feel the results. Going everyday for 30 days straight has allowed me to open up every joint, muscle, bone and organ in my body. Specifically my hamstrings, biceps, shoulders and entire spine. For example; My back especially has never been flexible and now, I can see the carpet during the backbend of half moon pose, I can lift my upper body as far as my bellybutton during the spine strengthening series, I can see the edge of my mat and towel during camel pose and finally twist to see the mirror in the final spine twisting pose. For me, these are tremendous accomplishments since I first began on July 19th.
Bikram Yoga has opened a new door in my life. I want to continue practicing in order to become a certified instructor after I graduate college in 2013. Bikram Yoga is the perfect addition to my movement and special education studies. This practice strengthens, stretches and heals every cell in the body. I have found that it has taught me self-determination, self-awareness and has given me an extreme amount of confidence in my movement practices. Not only have I learned from taking class, I learned from reading the Bikram Yoga Book.
This is the only movement sequence I have studied that has a large focus on the "self", the meditation and the relaxation. There is not an audience watching and no one judges any one else during the practice.
I am bummed there is not a Bikram studio near my college campus in Holland, Michigan, but good news, Bikram Choudhury will be teaching a seminar in Detroit in October. I am signing up for it as soon as I post this! I certainly look forward to coming back next summer and practicing again at Bikram Yoga West Linn.
Bikram yoga has become an obsession of mine and obsession might even be an understatement.